Is she cheating on me?’ This is a painful question. Your feelings are shifting between hope and despair. This is a dreadful situation to be in.
No one wants to remain in the dark and live a false relationship. By hook or by crook, you strongly desire to know the truth. The signs of infidelity may vary as per relationship and the person’s nature. However, there are a few telltale signs that clearly show if your partner is cheating on you.
In this article, we are going to share 20+ signs of a cheating girlfriend. If your girl displays most signs, you are in trouble.
To ward it off, you can resort to the no.1 cell phone spy tool ‘Spyine’ to confirm your suspicions before taking the next move in your relationship with her.
Nonetheless, we will explain how you can use Spyine 35+ monitoring features to find if your girlfriend is cheating. Click here to see the Free Live Demo of Spyine and get a glimpse of it!
20+ Signs Girlfriend Is Cheating on You
Sign # 1: Changing habits and opinions
You will notice your girlfriend doing things that are ‘not like her’. She is no more bothered about your late replies or no callbacks. She might have changed opinions about different things. You may see her talking about the movie or the political matters that she was not fond of.
These changing habits and perspectives are a hint that she is deeply influenced or infatuated by someone’s personality. If she is not mirroring you, you ought to find out who the other person is.
Sign # 2: Looking Lively
A cheating affair is exciting and thrilling. It gives a pinch of adventure so the energies go high. The excitement is difficult to contain, evident from the glowing face and sparkling eyes. Take a closer look at your girl’s face.
Your girlfriend might be putting in extra effort to look pretty these days. She might be adopting the latest trends, adding the collection to her wardrobe, making changes in her style statement and regularly following skincare routine. There is no need to worry if this is her habit but if she is going out of the way to improve her outlook, she might be trying to impress someone else.
Sign #3: Distracted and absent-minded
Your cheating girlfriend is distracted these days. She might be physically present with you but her mind must be wandering somewhere else. She gives you half-hearted responses to your questions. She might be divided between the guilt of cheating on you and the happiness of being with that other person.
Sign # 4: Enjoying secret conversations
Is she having secret conversations these days? Is she using her phone or laptop with more concentration while you are talking to her? Is she quickly or abruptly hanging up a phone call when you are around? Does she pick up her phone to quickly call back when you are away for a few minutes? Is she trying to hide her phone or conversations from you? With Spyine, you can find out who she’s been communicating with frequently over calls and texts.
These indicators show that she is cheating on you, until and unless she is planning a surprise party for you! You can secretly see her conversations via SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, Tinder, Tumblr, Skype, LINE, QQ and other apps with Spyine.
Sign # 5: Spending more time at work
If she is having an affair with a colleague, she will tend to spend more time at the workplace.
Call her during office timings and she will say she is not able to receive the call. Ask her for lunch and she says she will dine with the colleagues at the office. She will start giving overtime in the office. If you ask her she will make an excuse for meeting a project deadline.
Sign # 6: Going to gatherings without you
Are you wondering why she has started going places without you? Why does her special friend join both of you when you go to the movies? Why has she started declining invitations to your family gatherings?
As she plans to part ways with you, she will avoid being seen with you in the public. Needless to say, she might start to avoid meeting you as well.
Sign # 7: Easily annoyed and irritated
She is displaying little tolerance to your mistakes. You might have forgotten a simple thing but she will blame you for being irresponsible. She will start pointing out your flaws and how difficult it has been for her to bear with you. Even if you’re doing something special for her, she’s going to undermine it or disregard it with a belittling remark.
Sign # 8: Avoiding intimacy
Is your girlfriend cheating on you? Perhaps she’d slept with someone else and you really don’t know? A visible difference in her desire to enjoy sex with you is a physical sign of the cheating girlfriend. She might start avoiding it with you. Yes, she will be giving you the casual kisses and cuddles, but the passionate sex would not be an option.
It is the nature of women. If they are emotionally involved in someone, they can not enjoy sex with another person. If you force your girlfriend to get in bed, you will notice the lack of passion. It is a clear sign that she is going to confiscate your right to touch her soon.
Sign # 9: Digs into your schedule
She does not like your surprise visits anymore. Your girlfriend is becoming more inquisitive about your schedule. She needs to know your free slots, when do you intend to visit her and where do you plan to go out. Your girlfriend needs these details to make sure that you and her new love interest do not bump into each other.
Sign # 10: Unavailable for hours
Your girlfriend goes off the grid without informing you about her whereabouts. You will find her phone switched off or she simply chooses to ignore any call from you and come back later on with lame excuses. However, you can use Spyine to know the location history of your girlfriend and find out where she had been throughout the day.
Sign # 11: Talking less
Your girlfriend loves to talk and share her daily stuff with you. She has become less talkative these days. Basically, she will be sharing those details with the other person so she won’t be feeling the need to share that with you anymore.
Sign # 12: Talks about cheating
Your girlfriend might be considerate towards you so she might not want to blow things up with you. Instead of taking the straight forward path, she will start asking your opinion about cheating and infidelity. She might put a scenario of a cheating girlfriend and ask how would you behave in such circumstances.
In reality, she is trying to perceive your possible reaction when you will find out about her other affair.
Sign # 13: Being too nice
It may sound strange that your love is not the reason for her overnight nicer attitude. Instead, your girlfriend might be guilt-stricken that is disturbing her. She is trying to become sweeter and more accommodating towards you so that she might compensate for the cheating affair.
Sign # 14: Sharing too many details
Or your girlfriend might start sharing too many details of everything with you when you ask her simple questions. That is her guilt speaking and trying to cover up the cheating so that you do not find out her cheating.
Sign # 15: Accusing you of cheating
Quite ironic! Isn’t it? Yes, your cheating girlfriend will start accusing you of cheating. She will raise doubts about your loyalty to her and the relationship between you and her. This is manipulative behavior. Your cheating girlfriend will start the blame game, making you feel bad and force you to think that she is sincere in the relationship but there’s some problem from your side.
Sign # 16: Multiple social accounts
Your girlfriend might create new social accounts or update her privacy settings to hide things from you. She might stop posting pictures with you and change her relationship status. If she is sincere with you, she won’t hide part of her from you.
With the Spyine keylogger, you can easily get the credentials of all accounts no matter how hard she tries to hide them from you.
Sign # 17: You are supporting her finances
It is a bitter fact that your girlfriend might be a gold digger. If you don’t feel the chemistry with her, probably there is none. She might be staying with you because you are bearing her expenses.
Sign # 19:Too many male friends
Yes, we are not asking your girl to have any male friends at all. However, if your girlfriend has too many male friends, she might begin to develop feelings for any of them. Ask yourself if they are a competition to you and your girlfriend keeps comparing them with you.
Sign # 20: Changing the topic of ‘Someone’
When you talk about someone particular and your girlfriend responds emotionally, you have hit the bull’s eye. She might show extreme dislike or admiration for that person. If she is an introverted person who hides her feelings, she will swiftly change the topic so that you don’t get a clue about her changing loyalty.
Sign # 21: She wants her space
Is your girlfriend suddenly asking you to go out with your friends? Is she convincing you how important it is to have separate spaces in the relationship? She needs her freedom and does not want you to know about her engagements.
Well, she needs that time and space to rethink her relationship with you and the other person. She will make comparisons, spend time with that person and reach a decision.
What’s Next?
Till now we have discussed 20+ signs of a cheating girlfriend that can help you get a hint if she is cheating on you. If you are willing to dig further into your girlfriend’s activities use Spyine cell phone monitoring solution.
Spyine is the world’s leading and trusted cell phone monitoring solution. It is used by millions of users worldwide in over 190 countries. Quick setup, ease of use, intuitive interface, powerful monitoring features, stealth mode are a few factors that made Spyine achieve a 96% customer satisfaction rate.
With the powerful Spyine tool, you can see everything happening on her phone without her knowing. You can see her call history, read messages, view social network conversations, track location, follow up emails and everything you need to bust a cheater. Read this article to know how to catch your girlfriend cheating using Spyine.
Rightfully endorsed by major tech news reporters including Tech Crunch, Android Authority and TechRadar, Spyine is a must-have tool for you to catch your cheating girlfriend.
You may like: How to Catch a Cheating Boyfriend
In this article, we discussed 20+ signs of a cheating girlfriend that can be observed from her behavior. Yet human behavior defies logic at times so you can take help from the Spyine solution to unveil the truth. The powerful cell phone monitoring features of Spyine busts your cheating girlfriend activities. You can see her call records, messages, emails and everything from your dashboard.
We wish your doubts turn out to be baseless and you enjoy the loyalty of your girlfriend!
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